Elizabeth Dole Foundation
Hidden Heroes Caregiver Journey Map Campaign for Inclusive Care
January 29, 2016

Activating Military Chaplains

Activating Military Chaplains
Hidden Heroes conference

On January 13, Executive Director Steve Schwab addressed the National Conference of Ministry to the Armed Forces (NCMAF). NCMAF, a membership organization representing nearly the total theological spectrum of faith organizations, serves as the point of contact between the armed forces and more than 200 religious denominations and faith groups.

Our coordination with NCMAF is part of the Foundation’s ongoing work with faith communities. This month, we are also working through our Interfaith Action and Ministry Impact Council to survey faith leaders. Through this survey, we hope to better measure the faith community’s awareness of military and veteran caregivers; ask organizations to look within their ongoing work for services that could be extended to caregivers, and inspire leaders to propose ways that communities of faith can work together to support military and veteran caregivers nationwide.

According to the Foundation’s RAND study, religious guidance is the number one resource sought by caregivers. Unfortunately, it is one of the least common services provided by veteran service organizations.