Elizabeth Dole Foundation
Hidden Heroes Caregiver Journey Map Campaign for Inclusive Care
January 10, 2013

Shannon Maxwell

Shannon Maxwell
Shannon Maxwell

skb_20120426__CMA8953-EditShannon’s husband Tim has served almost 20 years in the Marine Corps when, in October 2004, two pieces of mortar shrapnel penetrated his skull and lodged in his brain. In the beginning, Shannon advocated for Tim to stay in the Marine Corps to give him an opportunity to see if treatment of his traumatic brain injury would allow him to recover and return to duty. But as Tim’s injuries proved more all encompassing than previously though, Shannon realized retirement would be the better option for her family. In the beginning, she assisted Tim with his daily activities like scheduling appointments, monitoring and issuing medication, helping with rehab at home, and supporting his physical and emotional needs, but today as Tim has progressed, role as caregiver has evolved to help him build self-sufficiency.