Hidden Heroes Campaign
The Hidden Heroes Campaign is the flagship public awareness campaign of the Elizabeth Dole Foundation bringing vital attention to the untold stories of military and veteran caregivers and seeking solutions for the tremendous challenges and long-term needs they face.

Hidden Heroes Goals
By leveraging various media platforms, community outreach, and advocacy efforts, the campaign not only brings these untold stories to the forefront but also amplifies the urgent need for comprehensive support.
Raise Awareness
Raise awareness of the issues military and veteran caregivers confront every day.
Inspire individuals, businesses, communities, and civic, faith, and government leaders to take action in supporting military and veteran caregivers in their communities.
National Registry
Establish and maintain a national registry, encouraging military and veteran caregivers to register to become a part of the Hidden Heroes Caregiver Community to better connect them to helpful resources and support.

Hidden Heroes Caregiver Community
The Hidden Heroes Caregiver Community (HHCC) is an online support group that offers a positive place for military and veteran caregivers of all eras to connect with one another. Moderated by caregivers, the HHCC is a welcoming environment for military and veteran caregivers to share their stories, seek advice, and find commonality in the challenges they face.
Hidden Heroes Communities
The Foundation’s Hidden Heroes Communities program is a growing network of cities, counties, and states working to find local solutions to better serve military and veteran caregivers.
Hidden Heroes Ambassadors
Our ambassadors use their voices to bring attention to our nation’s military and veteran caregiving crisis. With their dedication to the campaign, we are breaking down barriers and providing military and veteran caregivers with the help they so desperately need.

Elizabeth H. Dole
Founder, Elizabeth Dole Foundation